History’s “extras”
Imaginative reconstruction in archival histories 

Monday, August 30th   3:30-5:30
Diboll Gallery, The Commons, Tulane University

To be Rescheduled

A round table on performance, re-enactment, and resistance in French Atlantic history with:

     Emily Clark 
     Clement Chambers Benenson Professor in American Colonial History, Tulane University
     Author of The Strange History of the American Quadroon: Free Women of Color in the Revolutionary Atlantic World.  UNC               Press, 2013, among other titles.

    Mélanie Lamotte  
   Assistant Professor, Department of French & Italian and the Africana Studies Program, Tulane University. 
   Author of Making Race: Policies, Sex, and Social Orders in the French Atlantic and Indian Oceans, c. 1608–1756.  Oxford                   University Press (forthcoming). 

   Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec
   Professor of History, Université de Sherbrooke 
   Author of The Cry of Vertières. Liberation, Memory, and the Beginning of Haiti, Montreal, McGill/Queen’s University Press,       2020) and Esclaves mais résistants. Dans le monde des annonces pour esclaves en fuite, États-Unis-Caraïbe, Paris, Karthala        (forthcoming)

Free and open to all—a reception will follow
Sponsored by Lavin-Bernick Funds for the interdisciplinary workgroup PARIFA
For more information, contact Professor F. McCarren:  mccarren@tulane.edu